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How should I prepare my client & patient

The client:

The appointment will usually take around 2-3 hours if blood tests and ultrasound needs to be done. Most of the time the animal stays shortly at the the clinic to allow a step by step work up.


Please discuss with them that most ultrasound findings likely require a review by the specialists as this is operator dependent and the specialist is trained in assessing the findings in more detail to plan the next step.



The patient:

Fasting: the client should withhold food & snacks to the pet for 12 hours.  Water can be given. The owner can bring a portion of their pet's food with them to the clinic. 


Contraindications for fasting a pet:

  • Very young pets or a toy breed should not fast to long

  • Patients requiring regular medications: check if it can be postponed, or can be given on an empty stomach. If in doubt, apply it as usual.

  • Diabetic patients do not fast. 



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